Hillier and Hillier Introduction to Management Science Chapter 12 Solutions


  • Syllabus PDF icon New Icon Zoom New icon DreamCampus | My IUJ | E-Journal Portal
  • Instructor: Hun Myoung Park (kucc625 @; 025-779-1464; Office 311)
  • Class: 10:30-14:30 on Wednesday (C-202)
  • Office hours: 14:40-15:40 on Wednesday or by appointment
  • Textbook: Hillier, Frederick S., and Mark S. Hillier. 2019. Introduction to management science: A modeling and case studies approach with spreadsheets. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill.
  • IUJ Exam Guidelines | IUJ Harassment Policy | IUJ Plagiarism and Cheating
  • This course in this term will be offered online due to the corona-virus 19. Login Zoom New icon


  • Stata 1 2 | R introduction | SAS/OR | Purple Math | Virtual Math Lab
  • Reading Math PDF icon Conditional probability PDF icon Derivatives PDF icon Matrix manipulation with Stata
  • Enabling Excel Solver: Office 2010 | Office 2016 VLC icon Office 2016 VLC icon Excel for Mac VLC icon
  • Excel Solver Example 1 | Example 2 | Excel Sumproduct VLC icon
  • Matrix multiplication VLC icon Solving linear equations VLC icon Inverse Matrix VLC icon

▒ Homework Assignment

  1. Modeling Practice: Sample PDF icon
  2. LP: Homework assignment (Due May 21) PDF icon New Icon Exam template MS Word icon
  3. LP Sample question PDF icon Answer Key PDF icon

▒ Exam

  • Final exam (13:00 on June 9): PDF icon New Icon Exam template MS Word icon
  • 2020 PDF icon 2018 Q PDF icon Key PDF icon 2017 Q PDF icon Key PDF icon 2016 Q PDF icon Answer PDF icon

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Week 1: Introduction (04/7)


  1. H&H (2019) Chapter 1. PDF icon
  2. Weimer & Vining (2010) Chapter 2. PDF icon


  1. Albright & Winston (2005) Chapter 1, 2.
  2. Weimer & Vining (2010) Chapter 14, 15 or Dunn (2012) Chapter 1, 2.
  3. Boardman, Greenberg, Vining, and Weimer (2011) Chapter 1.
  4. Krutilla, Kerry. 2005. Using the Kaldor-Hicks tableau format for cost-benefit analysis and policy evaluation. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 24(4): 864-875.

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Week 2: Policy Modeling (04/14)


  1. Introduction to policy modeling PDF icon

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Week 3: Basics of Linear Programming (04/21)


  1. H&H (2019) Chapter 2. PDF icon
  2. Lecture Note PDF icon Slide Powerpoint icon LP Illustration PDF icon Purchasing Fruits PDF icon


  1. Albright & Winston (2005) Chapter 3.
  2. Stevenson and Ozgur (2007) Chapter 3.

Lab: Using Excel Solver 1

  1. Wyndor Glass Excel icon
  2. H&H (2014) chapter 4.
  3. Linear programming part 1: Optimization problem and constraints (11 min) VLC icon
  4. Linear programming part 2: Feasible sets and objective function (11 min) VLC icon
  5. LP Graphical Method by Kauserwise (21 min) VLC icon
  6. Linear Programming 1: Maximization-Extreme/corner points (6 min) VLC icon
  7. Excel Solver 2007 VLC icon 2010 (1) VLC icon 2010 (2) VLC icon
  8. How to use the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel (6 min) VLC icon

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Week 4: Formulating Linear Programming (04/28)


  1. H&H (2019) Chapter 5 (5.1 and 5.2). PDF icon
  2. Lecture Note PDF icon Slide Powerpoint icon Product Mix Example Excel icon
  3. Simplex Method Powerpoint icon Illustration Excel icon

Lab: Using Excel Solver 2

  1. Enabling Excel Solver: Office 2010 | Office 2016 VLC icon Office 2016 VLC icon Excel for Mac VLC icon
  2. Excel Solver Example 1 | Example 2 | Excel Sumproduct VLC icon
  3. Profit & Gambit Excel icon Super Grain Excel icon

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Week 5: Sensitivity Analysis (05/5)


  1. : H&H (2019) Chapter 5 (5.3 and 5.5). PDF icon
  2. Lecture Note PDF icon Slide Powerpoint icon


  1. Albright & Winston (2005) Chapter 4.
  2. Stevenson and Ozgur (2007) Chapter 4.
  3. Sensitivity Analysis (MIT) PDF icon Sensitivity Analysis (UC San Diego) PDF icon
  4. Shadow price, binding/non-binding constraints (7 min) VLC icon
  5. Introduction to shadow price (15 min) VLC icon Shadow price (7 min) VLC icon
  6. Sensitivity analysis in linear programming (9 min) VLC icon
  7. Linear programming sensitivity analysis totals of constraints (12 min) VLC icon

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Week 6: Linear Programming Applications (05/12)


  1. H&H (2019) Chapter 3. PDF icon
  2. Slide Powerpoint icon Degeneracy Excel icon LP Variants Excel icon


  1. How to solve an assignment problem (7 min) VLC icon
  2. Assignment problem: integer linear programming (7 min) VLC icon
  3. Assignment model with Excel Solver (6 min) VLC icon
  4. Transportation problem class lecture 1 (44 min) VLC icon
  5. Transportation problem class lecture 2 (52 min) VLC icon
  6. How to model a linear programming transportation problem (15 min) VLC icon

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Week 7: Queueing Model I (05/19)


  1. H&H (2019) Chapter 11 (11.1-11.3). PDF icon
  2. Queueing model PDF icon Poisson Probability Distribution Stata icon


  1. Albright & Winston (2005) Chapter 11.
  2. MIT OpenCourseWare (Poisson Process) 1 VLC icon 2 VLC icon
  3. Queueing Theory VLC icon

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Week 8: Queueing Model II (05/26)


  1. H&H (2019) Chapter 11 (11.4-11.9). PDF icon
  2. Queueing Model Template Excel icon


  1. Hillier & Lieberman (2010) chapter 17.
  2. Stevenson and Ozgur (2007) Chapter 13.
  3. SAS Simulation Studio (SAS/OR)
  4. Queueing Theory by Ivo Adan and Jacques Resing (2002) PDF icon

Final exam (June 9 in week 11)

Bivariate Normal Distribution


  • Policy Studies Journal by Wiley (2.364) EBSCO → "Chicago"
  • Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM) by Wiley 2.262) | Jstor → (apa)
  • Journal of Public Policy by Cambridge Univ. (1.033) | Jstor → (Apa)
  • Publius by Oxford Univ. (1.068) | Jstor → chicago
  • Science and Public Policy by Oxford Univ. (.983)
  • Policy Sciences by Springer → (apa)
  • Management Science from Jstor | EBSCO → chicago
  • Operations Research from Jstor | EBSCO
  • Journal of Policy Modeling by Elsevier (1.387) | ScienceDirect → (apa)
  • Journal of the Operational Research Society by Palgrave MacMillan | Jstor
  • Politics and Policy by Wiley → "Chicago"
  • Public Policy and Administration by Sage (.556)
  • Policy Studies by Taylor Francis (.366)
  • Harvard journal of law & public policy | EBSCO
  • Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice by Taylor Francis
  • Journal of Asian Public Policy by Taylor Francis
  • Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly by George Mason

Hillier and Hillier Introduction to Management Science Chapter 12 Solutions

Source: https://www.iuj.ac.jp/faculty/kucc625/policy/modeling/

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