Hillier and Hillier Introduction to Management Science Chapter 12 Solutions
- Syllabus
DreamCampus | My IUJ | E-Journal Portal
- Instructor: Hun Myoung Park (kucc625 @; 025-779-1464; Office 311)
- Class: 10:30-14:30 on Wednesday (C-202)
- Office hours: 14:40-15:40 on Wednesday or by appointment
- Textbook: Hillier, Frederick S., and Mark S. Hillier. 2019. Introduction to management science: A modeling and case studies approach with spreadsheets. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill.
- IUJ Exam Guidelines | IUJ Harassment Policy | IUJ Plagiarism and Cheating
- This course in this term will be offered online due to the corona-virus 19. Login Zoom
- Stata 1 2 | R introduction | SAS/OR | Purple Math | Virtual Math Lab
- Reading Math
Conditional probability
Matrix manipulation with Stata
- Enabling Excel Solver: Office 2010 | Office 2016
Office 2016
Excel for Mac
- Excel Solver Example 1 | Example 2 | Excel Sumproduct
- Matrix multiplication
Solving linear equations
Inverse Matrix
▒ Homework Assignment
- Modeling Practice: Sample
- LP: Homework assignment (Due May 21)
Exam template
- LP Sample question
Answer Key
▒ Exam
- Final exam (13:00 on June 9):
Exam template
- 2020
2018 Q
2017 Q
2016 Q

Week 1: Introduction (04/7)
- H&H (2019) Chapter 1.
- Weimer & Vining (2010) Chapter 2.
- Albright & Winston (2005) Chapter 1, 2.
- Weimer & Vining (2010) Chapter 14, 15 or Dunn (2012) Chapter 1, 2.
- Boardman, Greenberg, Vining, and Weimer (2011) Chapter 1.
- Krutilla, Kerry. 2005. Using the Kaldor-Hicks tableau format for cost-benefit analysis and policy evaluation. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 24(4): 864-875.

Week 2: Policy Modeling (04/14)
- Introduction to policy modeling

Week 3: Basics of Linear Programming (04/21)
- H&H (2019) Chapter 2.
- Lecture Note
LP Illustration
Purchasing Fruits
- Albright & Winston (2005) Chapter 3.
- Stevenson and Ozgur (2007) Chapter 3.
Lab: Using Excel Solver 1
- Wyndor Glass
- H&H (2014) chapter 4.
- Linear programming part 1: Optimization problem and constraints (11 min)
- Linear programming part 2: Feasible sets and objective function (11 min)
- LP Graphical Method by Kauserwise (21 min)
- Linear Programming 1: Maximization-Extreme/corner points (6 min)
- Excel Solver 2007
2010 (1)
2010 (2)
- How to use the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel (6 min)

Week 4: Formulating Linear Programming (04/28)
- H&H (2019) Chapter 5 (5.1 and 5.2).
- Lecture Note
Product Mix Example
- Simplex Method
Lab: Using Excel Solver 2
- Enabling Excel Solver: Office 2010 | Office 2016
Office 2016
Excel for Mac
- Excel Solver Example 1 | Example 2 | Excel Sumproduct
- Profit & Gambit
Super Grain

Week 5: Sensitivity Analysis (05/5)
- : H&H (2019) Chapter 5 (5.3 and 5.5).
- Lecture Note
- Albright & Winston (2005) Chapter 4.
- Stevenson and Ozgur (2007) Chapter 4.
- Sensitivity Analysis (MIT)
Sensitivity Analysis (UC San Diego)
- Shadow price, binding/non-binding constraints (7 min)
- Introduction to shadow price (15 min)
Shadow price (7 min)
- Sensitivity analysis in linear programming (9 min)
- Linear programming sensitivity analysis totals of constraints (12 min)

Week 6: Linear Programming Applications (05/12)
- H&H (2019) Chapter 3.
- Slide
LP Variants
- How to solve an assignment problem (7 min)
- Assignment problem: integer linear programming (7 min)
- Assignment model with Excel Solver (6 min)
- Transportation problem class lecture 1 (44 min)
- Transportation problem class lecture 2 (52 min)
- How to model a linear programming transportation problem (15 min)

Week 7: Queueing Model I (05/19)
- H&H (2019) Chapter 11 (11.1-11.3).
- Queueing model
Poisson Probability Distribution
- Albright & Winston (2005) Chapter 11.
- MIT OpenCourseWare (Poisson Process) 1
- Queueing Theory

Week 8: Queueing Model II (05/26)
- H&H (2019) Chapter 11 (11.4-11.9).
- Queueing Model Template
- Hillier & Lieberman (2010) chapter 17.
- Stevenson and Ozgur (2007) Chapter 13.
- SAS Simulation Studio (SAS/OR)
- Queueing Theory by Ivo Adan and Jacques Resing (2002)
Final exam (June 9 in week 11)

- Policy Studies Journal by Wiley (2.364) EBSCO → "Chicago"
- Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM) by Wiley 2.262) | Jstor → (apa)
- Journal of Public Policy by Cambridge Univ. (1.033) | Jstor → (Apa)
- Publius by Oxford Univ. (1.068) | Jstor → chicago
- Science and Public Policy by Oxford Univ. (.983)
- Policy Sciences by Springer → (apa)
- Management Science from Jstor | EBSCO → chicago
- Operations Research from Jstor | EBSCO
- Journal of Policy Modeling by Elsevier (1.387) | ScienceDirect → (apa)
- Journal of the Operational Research Society by Palgrave MacMillan | Jstor
- Politics and Policy by Wiley → "Chicago"
- Public Policy and Administration by Sage (.556)
- Policy Studies by Taylor Francis (.366)
- Harvard journal of law & public policy | EBSCO
- Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice by Taylor Francis
- Journal of Asian Public Policy by Taylor Francis
- Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly by George Mason
Hillier and Hillier Introduction to Management Science Chapter 12 Solutions
Source: https://www.iuj.ac.jp/faculty/kucc625/policy/modeling/
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